Baby K: Week 15

Monday, October 31, 2011

Wow, Baby K is at the 15 week milestone, and I'm finally blogging in real time! (ok...I'm a little behind, as Baby K is now more like 15 weeks and 5 days, but you get the idea)

Since the baby is about the size of an apple, I thought I'd dedicate this post to the honeycrisp apple, with is just so I can't even handle it. I don't know how I missed out on these apples for my entire life until this year, because they are wonderful. Go eat some!

In other news, I'm starting to feel slightly less exhausted and not sick at all. So, 15 weeks is treating me well.

However, this week's belly shot is (sadly) another headless shot. Steve always takes some cropped like this and some with my face so I have options to choose from. However, midway through I had a complete mental and emotional breakdown about how horrible I think I look. I cried...a lot. This was worse than the night at the beginning of my pregnancy when I cried about peanut butter.

I completely lost it and there was NO WAY my splotchy face was going to be on camera. I'm still struggling with the in between stage of feeling bigger and bigger without the validation of officially looking pregnant. Instead, I just can't wear any of my normal pants, my dresses are barely zipping, and I can't button my winter coat. I never in my life thought I'd be praying for a bigger belly!

Anyway, here's the bump picture of the week - the only one I had to choose from, so I hope you like it!


Amanda @ The Fix-Its said...

Eeee! Look at that cute lil' bump!

BigAppleNosh said...

Awww! So cute! :)

Sugar said...

Cute bump!!! I hated the in between phase, and now I just feel huge, but know that I am just.getting.bigger!!

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