Sadie at 12 Months

Friday, June 28, 2013

This is a little bit belated (ok, a lot!), but I wanted to make sure I wrapped up Sadie's first year updates, even if it's just for her and me in the future!

The year has flown by so fast my head is still spinning. I sometimes wonder what it would be like to be “pre-baby me” but I don’t even know her anymore. Because the “momma me” finally feels like the real me. And it took awhile to get to this place. The first few months of being a mom I felt absolutely silly as a pushed the stroller around my neighborhood. Now being out strolling with Sadie is second nature to me. I’ve finally come to terms with the fact that sleeping until 7am on Saturday mornings is sleeping in. And it’s blissful.

And I know that having a toddler isn’t exactly easy fun and games all the time, but I’m really looking forward to this time as Sadie's momma. We’re less tied to nap schedules, she can have snacks in her stroller as we’re out and about, and we’re finally having some fun! I’m sure I’m in for some challenges with my strong-willed, goofy little girl, but I can’t wait to see what’s in store for us.

I’m excited to share our last installment of week-by-week photos. It’s been so much fun capturing Sadie each week in all of her fun outfits and silly expressions. And, starting with 13 months we’ll be taking monthly photos with an entirely new backdrop!

Nicknames: Say-Say (given to her by her nanny), Sade, Boo-ba, Sadie-Boo
Temperament: Happy, happy, happy!
Things I Could Do Without: Your appetite is sloooowly getting better, but we'd definitely love to see you eating more!
Item/Toy We Love The Most: Your little wagon walker - you can walk pretty fast with it now!
Item/Toy You Love The Most: Your stacking rings. Still. They provide so much entertainment!
Things I’m Loving Most Right Now: Tickling you and hearing you giggle!
Things You’re Loving Most Right Now: Cruising around the furniture! You also love going to your music class.
Sounds/Words: The usuals: momma, daddda, go, ba-ba
Foods You Like: You're definitely getting more interested in finger foods, but you're still not quite sure.

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